Back Alley Bazaar — BLOG — Sarah M. Holm - Art - Clothing - Leather

Sarah M. Holm - Art - Clothing - Leather

Art | Clothing | Leather

Back Alley Bazaar

Upcoming End O' Summer Sales

NewsSarah M Holm

Hey y'all!  I hope you have been enjoying your summers!  I know that I have been!  Between long walks with the dog and lazy days reading in the hammock in the back yard, I've been brainstorming some ways to tweak my current designs to make them even better!  I'll be rolling out some new versions of the basics in the months to come, but first, I need to make some room for all the new product by selling some of the oldies but goodies!  

I've got two events coming up in the next two weeks, where you'll be able to get some leather goods at discounted prices (25-50% off!).  Mark your calendars for these:

-August 20th | 10am-7pm | Back Alley Bazaar at Golden Pearl Vintage

-August 28th | 10am-4pm | Five Watt Flea Market at Five Watt Coffee


More info on both:


THIS SATURDAY (!!!!) from 10am-7pm in the back alley/parking lot behind the Golden Pearl Vintage, we'll be having a "Back Alley Bazaar".  I'll be hanging out there with marked down Black Spoke Leather Co. merchandise,  the Golden Pearl Vintage will have a huge amount of "not perfect, but still dang cute" vintage clothes and accessories for every gender at crazy low prices, and neighbors Urban Violet and Find Furnish will be joining in the fun with great sales merch.  

Enter through the Golden Pearl at 507A E. Hennepin Ave. or through the alley between Conga and Find Furnish on 5th St. NE.  

Parking is a bit tricky in this area, but there is metered parking on 5th St. NE.  Busing, biking, and walking are easy in this neighborhood and your best bets!


Five Watt is, hands down, THE BEST coffee shop in Minneapolis!  On Sunday, August 28th, from 10am-4pm, grab a cup o' joe (I recommend the Gin Basil Smash) and head out the back door for a fabulous flea market filled with hand-made goods, vintage finds, records, books and tchotchkes.  What else could you possibly want to do on a Sunday, but dig for treasure? 

Five Watt - 3745 Nicollet Ave. S.