artist directory — BLOG — Sarah M. Holm - Art - Clothing - Leather

Sarah M. Holm - Art - Clothing - Leather

Art | Clothing | Leather

artist directory

The List

NewsSarah M HolmComment

The List is a new online resource for discovering some of the best Artisans in the US.

As cooler weather descends upon us and with shipping taking forever these days, it might be a good time to start thinking about holiday shopping (I know, I know... this sounds ridiculous, but it's true!) The website just launched TODAY, so check it out!

The cool thing about this website (and the reason that I joined it) is that it links you directly to the artisan's website, so we artists still get 100% of the sales, rather than only earning a percentage of the sales (as is the case in brick and mortar shops or websites like Etsy). The cool thing for shoppers is that most artists are offering a special deal through The List. 

Here are a couple of my favorite artisans featured on The List:

Stace of Spades:

I know you all are already passionate about art, supporting local artists and small businesses, cause that's how you got on this mailing list! But I also understand that we sometimes we set our morals aside for convenience or savings. With so many small businesses shutting down, I've made a pledge to myself to buy from small businesses and directly from artists for this (and most likely every) holiday season. Will you join me? Hit the comment button on top and let me know if you are with me!