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Sarah M. Holm - Art - Clothing - Leather

Art | Clothing | Leather


Darksome Art & Craft Market - Out of the Crypt

NewsSarah M Holm

The time has come for the Darksome Art & Craft Market!

This weekend, you can shop over 100 of the best, spookiest artists and artisans from around the country. There will be shop updates, sale codes, charitable fundraising, artist demos, and more! Although the market originated in Philly, since the beginning of the pandemic, all the events have moved online, allowing more artists to participate, and more art lovers from all over the country to shop and find new artists to follow.

For this market, I’ll be offering 10% off all weekend with the discount code: DARKSOMECRYPT and I’ll be donating 25% of sales to the event charity: Mental Health America. I’ll also be releasing some of the new designs that I’ve been working on over the last couple of months, which will all be available in my shop update at NOON on Friday, May 14th. Here are the new items that will be available:

There are so many other talented artists participating in this show! You better believe that I'm going to be doing a little shopping myself and my friends (some “OMG, I haven’t seen you in a year” gifts)! You can head over to Darksome- Out of the Crypt to check out all the participants. The website is live, but the donations, discounts, and shop updates will be on the weekend only. There is a list on the website of the times of all the artists’ shop update times. A lot of these folks run out of their merch really fast, so planning ahead is very helpful. Here are some of my favorite artists in the sale:

Above Images L-R: Cabinet of Curious Clay, Evil Tea Co., Forest Noir Photography, FTG Illustrations. Second row L-R: Hokum Wares, Martha Rotten, Nature’s Energy, Uruz Metals

Have a great and spooky weekend everyone!

The List

NewsSarah M HolmComment

The List is a new online resource for discovering some of the best Artisans in the US.

As cooler weather descends upon us and with shipping taking forever these days, it might be a good time to start thinking about holiday shopping (I know, I know... this sounds ridiculous, but it's true!) The website just launched TODAY, so check it out!

The cool thing about this website (and the reason that I joined it) is that it links you directly to the artisan's website, so we artists still get 100% of the sales, rather than only earning a percentage of the sales (as is the case in brick and mortar shops or websites like Etsy). The cool thing for shoppers is that most artists are offering a special deal through The List. 

Here are a couple of my favorite artisans featured on The List:

Stace of Spades:

I know you all are already passionate about art, supporting local artists and small businesses, cause that's how you got on this mailing list! But I also understand that we sometimes we set our morals aside for convenience or savings. With so many small businesses shutting down, I've made a pledge to myself to buy from small businesses and directly from artists for this (and most likely every) holiday season. Will you join me? Hit the comment button on top and let me know if you are with me!

Random Coolness

Random CoolnessSarah M HolmComment

SAMANTHA LEOPOLD-SULLIVAN (photo above) makes creepily beautiful art, often combining neon, latex, fiber, cast iron, and salt.

Every time anyone says “control”, I get this song in my head by AMYL & THE SNIFFERS. They are a fantastic, female-fronted, Australian punk band, that I’m sooooo excited to see live later this spring.

Speaking of punk rock, BREAD & WATER PRINTSHOP makes the coolest mash-up t-shirts for punks whose musical taste extend beyond the genre, but whose fashion sense does not.

I recently discovered the best app ever for broke book lovers! LIBBY connects to public libraries all over the country to offer audio and ebooks for free with your library card. I just finished BEASTIE BOYS BOOK and, holy shit, it was the most creative, interesting, and eclectic audiobook listening experience, with essays read by Snoop Dogg, Kim Gorden, Elvis Costello, Amy Poeler, Steve Buscemi, Wanda Sykes, and more.

It’s been ages since I got my last tattoo, but that is about to change with the help of ALLI SHELLY from TAILORBIRD TATTOO. They are a queer, artist owned tattoo shop in Minneapolis that creates a welcoming, inclusive, cozy environment. If you aren’t in Minneapolis, follow Alli on instagram to see when she’ll be guest spotting at a city near you.

Merry Witchmas!

NewsSarah M Holm

I’m only doing one holiday market this year, with my favorite artist collective, A Conspiracy of Strange Girls. Join us at A Witchmas Market, Saturday, December 14th from 12-5pm at La Doña Cervecería. I’ll have a booth with a smattering of all of my goods, including art, leather, clothing, hand-embroidered patches, scrap leather earrings, and more!

A Conspiracy of Strange Girls has welcomed a lot of new members in the last year, so be prepared to see some new art! There will also be some of the artists that you’ve seen at previous Strange Girls markets, so you’ll still be able to get fantastically rude and queer shirts from Ritual Printing, amazing jewelry from 3Jag Designs and BMF Jewelry, patches from Lofty Dog Designs and more!

Here is a sampling of some more stuff you’ll see at the market:

For more info on the above artists, check out (in order): L. Budo Illo, Helland Studio, Sick Kitty Ceramics, Celestia Aromatherapy, Leesha’s Lacquer, and Kari Lee Art.

In addition to the art, there will tarot readings by Companion in Shadow, food by Flagsmash, and of course, beer by La Doña Cervecería.

La Doña Cervecería is the nation's first Latino influenced for-benefit beer company, supporting and accentuating the Latinx communities of Minnesota. Besides hosting events like our market and serving a variety of fine beers, La Doña has a Salsa Dancing night, a Spanish/English Conversation Club, and a Futbol league.

The Story of Black Spoke Leather Co. (RIP)

NewsSarah M Holm
black spoke square.jpg

The Story of Black Spoke Leather Co. (RIP)

Black Spoke Leather Co. was a company that I started in 2014. I had wanted a small bag to wear while biking to concerts and art shows that was fancier than your average fanny pack, but also reflected my own punk-rock/minimalist aesthetic.

I did a lot of research on the leather industry, including how terrible many of the processes are for the environment. Most of the world’s leather is processed using Chromium, an extremely toxic pollutant that is hazardous to humans and the environment. Many of the tanneries that use this process are not well regulated, resulting in over 1.5 million people at risk for Chromium poisoning through contamination of ground water.

I decided then to only work with vegetable-tanned leather, which still uses animal hides, but instead of harsh chemicals, it uses plant matter in the tanning process. I also discovered an ancient method of dyeing the leather, vinegaroon or vinegar black, which uses vinegar and iron to change the chemical composition of the leather, changing the color to black immediately. I started to mix my own vinegaroon and use this method to color my leather.

For the next 4 years, my primary business (because I always had side hustles) was Black Spoke Leather Co.. I participated in a variety of local and national craft shows. I created more products with the punk minimalist style. I met a lot of fantastic people and designed custom pieces, some of which became a part of my regular offerings.

As time went on, I found myself longing for a creative outlet beyond leather work. I joined an artist collective, A Conspiracy of Strange Girls, and started showcasing different types of art in their group shows. As I did more of their art and craft shows, I found myself going back to my roots of clothing design and illustration, and exploring new paths of fiber art, installation, and sculptural work. I had a lot of leather goods still, and still liked to work on it, but it didn’t feel like its own business. The lines between my art and leather started to blur.


I felt torn between my art and this leather business. I had multiple websites and social media platforms and wasn’t able to keep up to date on any of them. I needed to simplify. It was time to merge all of my offerings, not only to make it easier with online stuff, but also for applying for art shows and grants. Also, why did I feel the need to keep my leather work separate from the rest of my work? I think that I originally did it because I thought I was shedding my previous identity as a clothing designer. But inspiration comes in waves and cycles. I like to work in many mediums. Why not showcase all of my work together?

So here we are… It is November 2019 and I am retiring my Black Spoke Leather Co. brand. I still make leather goods and some pieces that I’ve made before this decision may still be stamped with the Black Spoke logo and have the Black Spoke tag. Eventually I’ll have a new stamp and new tags when I can afford it. I’ll be putting some items on super clearance in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out.

Cheers and thanks to everyone that supported Black Spoke Leather Co.

Cheers and thanks to everyone that supported my other work.

Here’s to the future and more pretty/gritty work, more recycling in art and more freedom in creative expression!

Shopping for the Holidaze!

NewsSarah M Holm

It seems like there is a craft market every day this month in Minneapolis, amiright? This new trend in adding a market to every event is a little overwhelming for customers and vendors. Luckily you have your pal over here at Black Spoke to help in the decision making process!

A Conspiracy of Strange Girls and Jackson Flats presents:

A Winter’s Night Market

For high quality, last-minute gift shopping, this market shouldn’t be missed! With over 30 vendors from the art collective: A Conspiracy of Strange Girls and the artist lofts: Jackson Flats, you are sure to find some truly unique, edgy, and eclectic handmade wares. Also, this is the last market that Black Spoke will be participating in this year! I’ll have my classic designs, some new belt and jewelry, and some trash art, my mixed media illustrations on cardboard.

Other markets that I’ll be shopping at (but not vending) are:

Random Coolness

Random CoolnessSarah M Holm

- I’ve been a bit absent from Black Spoke this year. Running a business when you are inspired by/drawn to other mediums can be tricky. I’ve decided that it is ok to pursue other creative endeavors, rather than choose one thing. Here’s what I’ve been doing lately: TRASH ART.

- MANY MOONS is a cool spiritual workbook by Modern Women that aligns you with the lunar cycle. The first 2019 volume hasn’t been released yet, but keep an eye on their website, or your favorite local witchy store to get your hands on it.

- Vintage clothing is the best, but even those that have worked in vintage and studied clothing history (like…ahem… this gal) need help with research sometimes. VINTAGE FASHION GUILD is my main go-to resource with all sorts of information, including the incredibly helpful “Label Resource” that helps to determine era based on designer labels.

- I started eating a vegan diet nearly a year ago (I know, I know… a vegan leather worker, what?!). I couldn’t have even thought of trying this lifestyle without raw cashew cheese from PUNK RAWK LABS.

- The Devo episode of 99% Invisible is 100%!

American Craft Council Show: St. Paul Edition

NewsSarah M Holm

Mark your calendars and get your tickets!!! The American Craft Council Show is coming to St. Paul from April 8th - 10th (with a preview party April 7th).

Show Dates/Times    -    Tickets $12 (free for ACC members or children 12 & under)

Friday, April 8     10am - 8pm  ($5 after 5pm) 

Saturday, April 9     10am - 6pm

Sunday, April 10     11am - 5pm

Preview Party:

Thursday, April 7   6pm - 9pm, Tickets $75  (proceeds benefil ACC's educational programming)


Here is a sneak peak to some of my favorite artists at the show:

P.S.- I'm giving out free tickets to 3 lucky newsletter subscribers!  If you haven't subscribed yet, you can HERE.



Random Coolness

Random CoolnessSarah M Holm

Here is some cool stuff I came across this week:

-I'm absolutely obsessed with this cool way to discover new music.  Every Noise At Once is a genre map that introduces you to bands in that genre, affiliated genres, and links in with your Spotify account.  I'm in love!!

-This church makes me wish I was a skateboarder.

-I'm getting ready to move in with my boyfriend, so I've been pinning home ideas like crazy.  We bought paint yesterday: black, grey, and white... obviously.

-I remember hearing about BioCouture a couple of years ago, so I was really excited to find this recipe for Microbial "Leather".  I'll be experimenting with this for sure!

-You've gotta love a gaudy suit.  Nudie Cohn, the rodeo tailor, made the best, craziest suits, including Elvis' iconic gold lame suit.

-Ash from the Middle Finger Project tells you how to "stop writing with a stick up your ass"!

-This breaded tofu is sooooooooo gooooooood!

-If Picasso was a tattoo artist, his work would look like Peter Aurisch.


Have a great week!